Saturday, January 9, 2010

Maybe I should change the name of my blog...

so with over a month of experience under my belt...experience of "not drinking" that is....I've come to the conclusion that:

1. I love to drink
2. I'm not ready to go 21 days without drinking
3. Perhaps I was moving in the wrong direction of applying myself

So after evaluating the above I've decided to document the NEXT life change I'm about to attempt. Now as my readers have witnessed I haven't exactly been faithful to the changes that I've tried to do, BUT this being 2010 and NOT 2009, I'm going to make some changes. Instead of attempting to do things that I've never wanted to do i.e not drinking, I'm turning to do things I've always wanted to yoga, specifically teaching yoga. 

Its something that's crept into my life...the way a favorite song does...or maybe like chicken soup, something you love and is good for you, you just can't quite figure out why. So this year (2010--NEW year) I'm going to dedicate myself to something that I've been talking about for FOREVER. I feel like everyone does this with something. I'll see THAT movie finally, or I'll learn how to knit (not my preference, just an example) or maybe I'll throw a dinner party. 

I'm not sure about you, but I'm done talking about it. Maybe you have to get to that point in your life...when you're just done. Done waiting, done hoping, done wondering. The best part about that is when you're done, well you're ready to start doing. 

OK so I'm ready. I totally failed on the lack of booze (not a shock to those who know me) but I am ready to start DOING. 

Here goes. I'm going to do something I've always wanted to do. It starts tomorrow, when I have an interview with the head of a yoga studio. If she takes me, I'm in. If not, well guess what I go somewhere else because I'm ready to start DOING and stop talking. 

Here's to tomorrow. One step closer to something I want to do. 

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Day 3: "Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy"

Let's just say I have a few scrapes from my fall out of the wagon...well it was more like a jump I think, but I didn't land on the ground too gracefully. 

So I may have fallen off the wagon last night...I would like to blame that on a few things:

1. My Roommate
2. Amazing Mexican Food (which apparently is more dangerous than BBQ)
3. Tequila
4. Tequila 
5. Tequila

Always always dangerous. But on the bright side I did learn a few things and now feel more committed to my 21 days:

1. I really hate being hungover (it's about 9pm and I JUST feel better)
2. Waste of money
3. Not drinking I do feel much better

So back to not drinking during football Sunday, much easier considering I was tasting tequila all morning ..blah. 

So I'm tacking on one more day and I'm calling it even. 

Watch out Monday Night football....I'm ready for you.

Tequila: 1 Sophia: 0

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Dinner Tonight...

We've decided on dinner tonight, Sofrito--fantastic Puerto Rican food. Cute waiters--check. Fantastic Paella--check. 

I should be safe......or will I (add dramatic sound effects here)

Day two...not so early

Well I've made it through sitting at a bar watching rugby for 4 hours and not having one drop to drink...I did however have hot men to stare at, I'm still not sure if that's cheating?

Then I went for a run in Central Park. Healthy activity #1 for the day. BONUS POINTS.

-2 Points lingering outside the liquor store staring at the wonderful, welcoming, warm bottles. 

Dinner tonight....temptation number two of the day. Hopefully there will be hot waiters. 

Day 2 Early, too early on a Saturday

I love sleep. My life has the tendency to fall apart when I'm awake, you know?--Ernest Hemingway

He couldn't have said it better. If anything this sobriety thing (I'm pretty shocked because only day 2) has given me a clear insight into real genius, and oddly enough most of that genius happens to love booze. Well two days ago I was certainly in good company.

Up at the crack of drawn...well 7:30 on a Saturday. No WAY this would have happened if I were drinking. Well not true, I've come home before at 7:30am and was still awake. 

damn it healthy to be up this early? I mean I am missing out on sleep, which is healthy.

Might as well do laundry...I don't think anything else is open right now. Even in New York City, unless of course I want to go to an after party, but then again I KNOW those places don't normally have an air of sobriety about them. 

Friday, November 6, 2009


When creating a playlist to workout to consider removing all songs related to: alcohol, drinking, being at the club sippin' on: Hennesy, Crystal, Bubbly, all songs with tipsy, especially anything blammin' it on the goose, any type of chicken fried and beer, PBR, margaritas/margaritaville.

The Bet

So like all things...well most, this challenge started with a bet. Actually two bets. One was from my roommate and a friend who decided that they needed to dry out for 21 days (more to come on that...). The other was a work bet to see who could lose the most weight in 45 days, the prize $200 which equated to me buying the new pair of Ray Ban Aviators I was dying for, needless to say........I accepted. 

A day later, I regret it, but I'm only on Day 1, so maybe it won't be that bad.....I mean all good things come in 21 --like the age you can legally drink, ironic. 

I live in a big city, have no real responsibility ( I do have a job I have to go to everyday, an apartment, I pay my bills) besides my social calendar which I manage quite well, my life would really fall into the little to no responsibility sphere...slightly more than college but much less than marriage or kids. So most of my social activities surround events that happen in or around a bar or involve tailgating, pregamming, bar hopping, house parties, keg parties...apparently there is a theme starting to form.

So here I am in my late twenties, trying to sober up for 21 days. Let me tell you what NOT to do on Day 1, don't go to get BBQ....the only thing I could think of was beer....Beer and BBQ nachos, Beer and BBQ Chicken, Beer and Cornbread, Beer and Ribs and I don't even eat pork ....Beer and Beer and .....well Whiskey, that wouldn't have been bad either..OK so basically its not easy and its Day 1.  Is it wrong that I made a pregnant woman go so I would have a forced non-drinking buddy? I mean she's not going to give in no matter what. I made sure I stayed close to her, she was the magic safe one approaches the pregnant woman peddling booze. I was impervious to the effects of the booze near her. 

So for the following 21 days I will tell my tale of the misadventures of my sobriety, avoiding temptation and winning the damn bet. Which in the end is what it really comes down to. Oh and figuring out a way to watch sports minus beer.