Sunday, November 8, 2009

Day 3: "Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy"

Let's just say I have a few scrapes from my fall out of the wagon...well it was more like a jump I think, but I didn't land on the ground too gracefully. 

So I may have fallen off the wagon last night...I would like to blame that on a few things:

1. My Roommate
2. Amazing Mexican Food (which apparently is more dangerous than BBQ)
3. Tequila
4. Tequila 
5. Tequila

Always always dangerous. But on the bright side I did learn a few things and now feel more committed to my 21 days:

1. I really hate being hungover (it's about 9pm and I JUST feel better)
2. Waste of money
3. Not drinking I do feel much better

So back to not drinking during football Sunday, much easier considering I was tasting tequila all morning ..blah. 

So I'm tacking on one more day and I'm calling it even. 

Watch out Monday Night football....I'm ready for you.

Tequila: 1 Sophia: 0

1 comment:

  1. Scoreboard Tequila.

    But I will be cheering for you during Monday night football... booze ain't got nothin on you. (Well maybe a little considering the hangover this morning lol) Looking forward to more posts! Good luck!
